We the members of Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church are committed to being a radically loving and welcoming community of faith, centered in the Good News of God’s Sabbath Economics brought to us by Jesus the Christ. Therefore, in faithfulness to the Gospel and our full Lutheran heritage, and to the best of our abilities, we promise to provide a place of safety, vision, and care to all who seek God in this place.


We understand that you may have questions about the nature of Holy Redeemer (worship style, prayers, what to wear, historical tradition,different ministries, etc.). We hope that the following will anticipate most of your questions. If you have other questions, please ask to speak with the Pastor or with a member of the Leadership Team.


Will I be welcome at Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church?

We welcome ANYONE, from ANY walk of life and in ANY stage of life to join our community. You can expect to be greeted by the Pastor and by the regular attendees at Holy Redeemer. We know how hard it is to find a new church home, so we try our best to make everyone feel welcome and at home. (Click for our Welcome Statement-opens in new window)


How do I get to Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church?

We are located on the corner of The Alameda and McKendrie, in the Rose Garden area of San Jose. We are one (short) block off of Highway 880. (Click for Address/Directions-opens in new window.)


What time does Sunday morning worship begin?

Our Sunday morning Celebration and Communion Service begins at 10:00am. The service is followed by a Refreshments and Fellowship Time, beginning at approximately 11:15am.


What time should I arrive?

We suggest arriving 10 to 15 minutes before the 10am service. This will give you time to sign our guest book, have the usher make you a name badge (you will see regular attendees wearing them also) and seat you. It will also give time for you to peruse the service bulletin or whatever you might like to do to prepare yourself for worship. Beginning 20 minutes prior to the service we play taped music, and our Musician's Prelude begins at approximately 9:55am.


What should I wear?

Dress however you feel comfortable. Regular attendees of Holy Redeemer tend to be casual, even on the highest of festival days. Blue jeans and business suits are all welcome, as are shorts and dresses. Everyone has their own style. We are more concerned with meeting your faith and life needs than we are in how you are dressed.


Will I be asked to stand up in front of people?

Guests are never called upon to stand up and introduce themselves, so don't worry about being embarrassed. We understand what it is like to be in a new church and we want to make your feel welcome. Relax and meet people at your own pace. Parts of the service that you may not be familiar with are explained during worship, do you don't need to be concerned about knowing when to sit, stand, or what to do next.


Do you have a nursery? Where do children go during worship?

Although we have a nursery in the basement of our parish hall, we do not utilize it during worship for two reasons. First, we believe that children belong with their parents during the worship experience. Second, we do not want to take people away from worship in order to provide childcare. Therefore, parents keep their children with them during worship. Those children who are a little older have an area set aside for them in the sanctuary where they can quietly play.


How often does Holy Redeemer celebrate comunion?

We celebrate communion at every service during the year, except on Good Friday. It is open to whomever would like to partake. We have no restrictions to keep people away but, rather, believe that it is one of the things that binds all people to one another.



Getting Involved


Click here for more information!



February 12, 2025


Celebration & Communion




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

acknowledges that it is located

on the unceded land of the

Muwekma, Ohlone and Tamien people


Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

NAMI - Santa Clara County

Mental Health Friendly

Stigma Free

Faith Community




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

Reconciling in Christ Congregation



About Holy Redeemer:

Meet Pastor Freesemann, and visit the About Us section to learn about our pastor and about our congregation!


Join Us!

If you're curious about an Openly Progressive, Permission Giving Community, Looking to the 21st Century with Vision and Hope, then you should come to the Join Us section to learn more. We hope you will join us.





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